Jim Clarke's Irish Coffee

Today in the mix we have Culver City's Former Mayor, Jim Clark. As you can see Jim is wearing his very own #CCKIND shirt, and he is wearing is proudly. Jim has been a huge supporter and OG CCKIND proprietor. Today we discuss the importance if Kindness within the Culver City Community, Our little painted rock project, and much more. 
The pieces that we are showcasing today have very much an Autumn feel to them. You will see many warm tones mixed with statement pieces. We can not forget the Be Kind Necklace though, perfect for any stockings you need to stuff.
For our drink today, Jim is going to be making us his special Irish Coffee. All you are going to need for this drink is: 
Brown Sugar to taste 
A cup of freshly brewed coffee 
Jameson Whiskey 
& @ Home Whipped Cream  
And Enjoy!